Fallout 4 revolver mod
Fallout 4 revolver mod

fallout 4 revolver mod

Still, even after entire playthroughs of Fallout 4 some people are never satisfied with their arsenal. There would be no apocalypse without weapons, and the world would have been rebuilt by now had we focused our resources on something else. And there’s only one thing in your mind other than the fate of your kidnapped son:īecause what is a post-apocalyptic Wasteland without its weapons? Isn’t it the entire point? You’re the Sole Survivor of your malfunctioning nuke-proof vault, crawling out of the underground and into the deserted Wasteland that is the Commonwealth.

  • The weapon is used by the Mysterious Stranger in Fallout 4.
  • This anomaly is shared with the Deliverer and 10mm pistol.

    fallout 4 revolver mod

    44 pistol is more frequently found with the snubnose barrel.

  • Despite the standard barrel being considered the "standard" barrel for the weapon, the.
  • fallout 4 revolver mod

  • Despite likely being a double-action revolver the Sole Survivor and any NPCs equipped with the weapon only ever use it as a single action weapon meaning the user must manually cock the hammer before firing another shot and giving the weapon a very low rate of fire.
  • fallout 4 revolver mod

    The "bladed bull barrel" appears to have a Disciples cutlass blade attached underneath the barrel in lieu of a bayonet. It is mostly found on members of the Disciples.

  • Can be found on Nuka-Town USA raiders and commonly carry the "bladed bull barrel" version.
  • One can be found on a table inside the vault section of Bradberton's office on the table with a kickball and a book.
  • The nearest access point to the highway is an elevator, south of Sunshine Tidings co-op.
  • One can be found next to a skeleton and a duffle bag, at the end of the highway south of the Lonely Chapel.
  • Can be looted from Railroad heavies during The Battle of Bunker Hill along with the required ammo.
  • 44 pistols may be found on some of the bodies of raiders in and around Dunwich Borers. 44 pistol may be found in an open safe in the upstairs rooms of the National Guard barracks. 44 pistol might be found inside a drawer in the Federal Surveillance Center K-21B in the south part of the map. 44 pistol may be found in Hardware Town on a table with a box and wine bottle in a room upstairs. Follow the pump pipe, it leads directly to the skeleton with the gun. Cross the bridge leaving Sanctuary then follow the shore left, past a dock until arriving at the water pump. The skeleton is leaning against a deactivated water pump not far from an unmarked small raider camp.
  • A snubnosed version of this revolver can be found in the water filtration caps stash lying beside a skeleton close to the shore of the lake near Sanctuary, but before Concord is reached.

  • Fallout 4 revolver mod